Welcome your new puppy with hands full of dog pet supplies,
treats and toys. Your new puppy will need lots of love and some of the best
food manufactured for his size, breed and age. There is a lot to choose from so
just make sure you are reading the labels and picking what’s best for your pup.
Not only will he need the food with the best nourishment for
his size he will also need the right size food bowl and dog bed. It is
important to know that toys and bones that are not the right size or type for
your pet can be a choking hazard. Dogs that are strong chewers are going to
chew through a toy designed for a smaller dog so make sure you are reading the
labels and getting the best dog pet supplies for your new pup.
Books are available that are breed specific and knowing
characteristics of your new friend will benefit the two of you as you develop
your master/pup relationship. The primary dog pet supplies that you will need
are food, a collar and leash. These items should be obtained before bringing
your new dog to your home. New puppies can be unpleasant when they are getting
where you don't want them and relieving themselves where you would least expect.
Some things to consider having at your home in advance are barrier gates, a
play-pen, training pads.
If you have a yard that is not fenced having a tie out for
you new pup will allow him some play and give your tired feet a rest from
walking. Those that have a fenced in yard might want to consider the
installation of a doggy door. Premanufactured doghouses are available as well.
There are also plenty of novelty and practical items available to keep your dog
looking cool, warm and dry. The purchase of a sweater and raincoat are
recommended for your smaller shorthaired breeds.